Work in Progress
The impact of US research security strategy on global science (with Sifan Zhou)
Working Papers
China’s Bayh-Dole Act and university patenting: a contingency perspective, rejected & resubmitted in Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
Chinese patent citation data and its validity to measure patent quality, rejected & resubmitted in Management Science
Published Papers
The minimum wage and new business entry in China: Estimates based on a refined border approach, Xiaoying Li, Dongbo Shi, Sifan Zhou, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2023, 99
Quantifying revolutionary discoveries: Evidence from Nobel prize-winning papers, Chunli Wei, Jiang Li, Dongbo Shi, Information Processing and Management, 2023
Has China’s Young Thousand Talents Program been successful in recruiting and nurturing top Chinese scientists? Dongbo Shi, Weichen Liu, Yanbo Wang, Science, 2023, 379(6627):62-65. Data for replication
A Journal’s Impact Factor is Influenced by Changes in Publication Delays of Citing Journals, Dongbo Shi, Ronald Rousseau, Liu Yang and Jiang Li, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2017, 68, 780–789
Double-edged Sword of Interdisciplinary Knowledge Flow from Hard Sciences to Humanities and Social Sciences: Evidence from China, Meijun Liu, Dongbo Shi and Jiang Li, Plos One, 2017
Sleeping Beauties in Genius Work: When were they Awakened? Jiang Li, Dongbo Shi, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2016, DOI: 10.1002/asi.23380
A Study of the “Heartbeat Spectra” for “Sleeping Beauties”, Jiang Li, Dongbo Shi, Star X. Zhao, Fred Y. Ye, Journal of Informetrics, Volume 8, Issue 3, July 2014, 493-502, DOI:10.1016/j.joi.2014.04.002
Changing carbon content of Chinese coal and implications for emissions of CO2, Xinyu Chen, Junling Huang, Qing Yang, Chris P. Nielsen, Dongbo Shi, and Michael B. McElroy. 2018. Journal of Cleaner Production, 194, 150-157